Monday, May 17, 2010


I laughed my heart out,
but I can't tell you about the joke;)
but almost cried with my daughter when my cat fell off my computer table.

There wasn't really much to tell.
But, I was tested.
And passed, I believe, coz I don't feel any bitterness.

There really is a purpose for everything.
And I have yet to find mine...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pool Day

After Kayla's ballet class, we decided to try out the pool at Flushing Meadows Park.
Kayla loves to swim and how I wish I know how so I could teach her. It breaks my heart to see her alone in the water plus they did'nt let me in the pool coz I was just wearing my swim shorts and a shirt. They don't allow it. Only bathing suits. Bummer.

But Kayla, she was just too happy to care. For the first time she didn't make a big deal of me not being there (or maybe she got used to it already). No swimsuits = no swim. That's how it is here in the States. Eversince I gained weight, I never wanted to be seen in swimwears, but today, I realized I really have to lose weight if I want to be having fun with my Kayla. They grow up so fast. I might as well enjoy her company while she still enjoys mine. Kiss and hug her while she still want them.Everytime I cuddle my cat, Jessica, she always complains and says, "I wish I'm still a baby so you could still carry me". Sweet.

I vowed to eat only salad for 10 days. Let's see if I will survive.Just follow me here in my blog. That's if I'm still alive.Joke.

Friday, May 14, 2010


I love Fridays.We all do. Kayla is no exception.
She told me a lot of reasons why:
1.It's art day in school.
2.There won't be school tomorrow.
3.She could watch her favorite movies.
4.Simply coz it's not Thursday nor any other day;)
She was running. So eager to get home after I picked her up from school.
This was her pretending to run, for ART'S SAKE:

And the real thing:

We went to the park after. I just can't resist taking a picture of her and her red cheeks coz it was suddenly so hot here in NY. Crazy weather. But, we love it better!

Runs in the family....

Kayla loves to wear my glasses coz she thinks it makes her look kinda super intelligent like a "genius". Well, I think she has a potential coz she's in an honor class right now which she has to maintain till 7th grade.(I'm not bragging, just to let you know);)

So, I took a pic of my lil Einstein:

and another genius in the family:

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rain, rain go away...

It's been raining all day long in New York and the temperature dropped.I thought we were free at last of heaters but I definitely heard mine this morning, meaning, it was cold outside. True, I felt the chilly winds when I took kayla to school this morning.
Rainy days? What better ways to spend it than reading my PT books, watching a movie, baking cassava cake, talking on the phone and did I say, reading?

I took this picture of Jessie while she was bird watching at my window. I tried doing it with her and man, 'twas fun! meooowrr!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


The highlight of my day was when I made Filipino spring rolls from scratch. We call it"lumpia" which happens to be my daughter's favorite.It was very tedious, but was all worth it when I saw Kayla's face as she ate them.Besides, I figured out a way to make it easier by putting all the ingredients in the blender, rather than slicing each one. It turned out just fine, except for my blender which I believe, I overheated:'( Oh, well....

Monday, May 10, 2010

monday blues...

It was again cold in New York and Kayla's not really feeling that good so I decided to make her stay home and rest. My allergy was just so bad. My eyes were itching. Anyway's , there really was not so much to do except finish one of my books, so I just spent the day reading.While Kayla was watching a movie, my cat, Jessica decided to join me in bed:
...less than 5 minutes after:
And a good 10 mins. after (photo courtesy of my lil photographer, Kayla):

....sweet dreams, Kitty Cat...