Friday, May 7, 2010

I'm new at this.I don't even know why I thought about starting one but, there was a need to express my feelings and I thought, there was no better way than a "blog".Well, good luck to me.

Today was a not-so-good day.I just wanna put it that way to prevent saying the word "bad"....but oopppsss.

Anyway's, just to let you know, it ended pretty good.Like they say, we all have a chance to turn everything around. It all lies in our hand. I would like to take as much control with mine coz I already made quite a few mistakes in the past that I could've prevented but, let's say, pride got in the way. Don't let it rule yours. Turn it around while you still can and there'll be no regrets.

The other photo was obviously in the winter time.This would best describe the feeling I had earlier today.Cold. Just to let you know, thats my cat Jessie....she brings sunshine to my world, apart from my 8 yr old daughter, of course, who's the "sunshine".

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