Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pool Day

After Kayla's ballet class, we decided to try out the pool at Flushing Meadows Park.
Kayla loves to swim and how I wish I know how so I could teach her. It breaks my heart to see her alone in the water plus they did'nt let me in the pool coz I was just wearing my swim shorts and a shirt. They don't allow it. Only bathing suits. Bummer.

But Kayla, she was just too happy to care. For the first time she didn't make a big deal of me not being there (or maybe she got used to it already). No swimsuits = no swim. That's how it is here in the States. Eversince I gained weight, I never wanted to be seen in swimwears, but today, I realized I really have to lose weight if I want to be having fun with my Kayla. They grow up so fast. I might as well enjoy her company while she still enjoys mine. Kiss and hug her while she still want them.Everytime I cuddle my cat, Jessica, she always complains and says, "I wish I'm still a baby so you could still carry me". Sweet.

I vowed to eat only salad for 10 days. Let's see if I will survive.Just follow me here in my blog. That's if I'm still alive.Joke.

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